Grape's NAGAYA

下町風情 Oldtown style

Old-fashioned landscape and new landscape in traditional Tokyo area
景観、温もり、ヒノキの香り、東京を五感で感じる処。Landscape, warmth, fragrance of cypress, feel the Tokyo in five senses
葡萄の長屋コンシェルジェのホクトです。It is Hokuto of grape 's Nagaya concierge.近くの公園の近くで生まれた江戸っ子ノラ。
EDOKKO stray act born near a park nearby.
葡萄の長屋亭主の金谷です。It is Kanaya of Budou-no-nagaya (means grape's terrace house) 東京の下町をお楽しみ下さい。
master.Please enjoy the downtown of Tokyo.

Sumida Ward Kyojima is a miraculously burned area in the Kanto Great Earthquake (1923) and the Tokyo Air Raid (1945) as well. There are a lot of old-fashioned thin streets and wooden houses with low height. Therefore, from the rooftop you can see the view overlooking the sky tree.
Moreover, this place which entered a little from the big street is wrapped in silence which can not be thought of as a city in the night, and relaxation while immersing in the open-air bath of domestically produced cypress gives a comfortable moment.
domestically produced cypress gives a comfortable moment.


「tatami畳のある空間デザインコンペティション」準優秀賞をいただきました。I got a semi - excellent award in "space design competition with tatami".
葡萄が大きくなりました。The grapes grew biggerフロントのある隣の建物から伸びた葡萄がこちらの建物にも伸びてきました。
The grapes grew bigger
Grapes growing from the building next to the front desk have also expanded to this building.
room1の前に目隠し。Blindfold before room 1.道路からの視線を遮りながら、葡萄とスカイツリーを見える和風の目隠しを設置。
While blocking the line of sight from the road, set up a Japanese-style blindfold that can see grapes and a sky tree.
自転車のレンタルを開始。Bicycle rental started. 自転車を使うと、ちょっとした移動がグンと楽になります。墨田七福神めぐり、上野までほんの30分、東京がもっと身近になります。1000円/台・日、補償金4000円。雨の日用にポンチョ(100円)あり。申し込みはフロント(かなや設計)へ。
Bicycle rental started. Using a bicycle makes a little movement easier. To Sumida Seven Lucky Gods, Ueno is only 30 minutes, Tokyo is more familiar. 1000 yen / unit · day, compensation 4000 yen. There is a poncho (100 yen) for rainy days.Application to front desk (Kana and design).
地元情報たっぷりの地図「京島っぷ」完成。Completed a map of local information "KyojiMap" 町全体が歩いて五分!まるで一つの建物のようにコンパクト。
Completed a map of local information "KyojiMap" . The whole town walks for five minutes! It is as compact as a single building.
English editionCompleted a map of local information "KyojiMap"
読売新聞に掲載していただきました。It was published in the Yomiuri Shimbun.2017.4.27

地元情報たっぷりの地図「京島っぷ」完成。Completed a map of local information "KyojiMap"

  • 2017/3/13

2017/3/14 予約機能は、まだ使用できません。

2016/11/22 下町密着ゲストハウス「葡萄の長屋」が完成しました

TEL: 03-3611-3559
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