Grape's NAGAYA


town walk

It is a shopping district that lasts from the beginning of Showa era(1925-1988). The official name is "Downtown personality glittering Tachibana shopping area". When the Tobu Kameido Line at the southern end of the shopping street was opened, it seems that it developed as a shopping street from the fact that there was a station (Jikkennbashi Station) around where the current shopping area and the Kameido Line intersected.
Since the movie theater called Tachibana-kan was established in 1931, it was called "Tachibana-kan Street" and it has been popular among local people. It is said that there are many shops selling dinner prepared foods, as there were many small town factories in the vicinity working together for couples. Yakitori shop, Oden shop, dumpling shop, bakeries, etc., there are plenty of food-related shops.

歩いて楽しむ商店街 Shopping street that you enjoy walking程よい幅の道路の両側に続く商店街。ブラブラ歩くだけでも楽しい。
A shopping street that follows both sides of modest width road. Just walking around the drunk is fun.
言葉を交わしての買い物 Shopping with words
First of all, I'm a grocer. Shopping while talking is also how to enjoy here.
おいしそうなものを指さして買い物 Shopping pointing to something delicious手づくりおでん店先で好きなおでんを選んですぐ食べることもできちゃう。スカイツリーの形のネタも。
Handmade Oden You can choose your favorite oden at the store and eat it immediately. Also the neta in the form of a Skytree.
カフェ Cafe疲れたらカフェで一休み。ゆったりとしたスペースにゆったりとした時間が流れる場所。
If I get tired, I have a rest at the cafe. A place where relaxed time flows in a spacious space.
果物屋のシャーベット Sherbet of fruit shop季節のおいしい果物を使って作ったシャーベット、絶対おススメ。
Sherbet made with seasonal delicious fruit, absolutely recommended.
たこ焼き Takoyaki気さくなオネエサンが話しをしながらたこ焼きを作ってくれる。
Friendly Oneesan talks and makes Takoyaki.
野良猫ポンちゃん Stray cat Pon-chan人懐っこい猫。
A friendly cat.